Little girls in church are not nearly at interesting to watch at little boys, this 'little' age extends from birth all the way through 9th grade. At the 9th grade point boys become predictably annoying and girls become endlessly funny to watch.
I don't get 'the mondays'. Everything is so quiet and calm on mondays. They are long and homework and work ridden but always greeted with a good nights sleep :)But this monday is glorious, no school. Just wonderful friends and too many disks of LOST to count but WE WILL WATCH AGAIN!
Slam poetry makes my heart pound in fear almost more than spiders do. I am not really the 'stage fright' kind of girl, but this class is terrifying to the max. I don't know how I will make it through the quarter with out shaking out of control and puking on my poor sweet souther profersor...who I always want to hug.
I do get a mean case of 'the wednesdays', or maybe just 'the mean reds'. What a lame day. Long and without the weekend sleep that I start monday off with...ugg. But...tonight is LOST so nothing can get me down!!

I thought that watching too much TV broke my brain. I think I was right.
Being treated like a taxi makes me really angry.
"Look at the little girl in the corner, she is so sweet. Look at her, look, Autumn, look"
"What is in the house that everybody needs? What is in the house that everybody needs? What is in the house that everybody needs?"
THE CREEPY THINGS my husband says in his sleep.
People say the first year of mairrage is the hardest, so far 6 months has been really fun. Heres hoping!

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